About Us

About Us
We are a family of 4; Jen, Jerome, Leighton, Shayla and our dog Chance. We travel the country in our RV exploring all that this great place has to offer us. As former restaurant industry alumni, we now create content about RVing, Food Allergy, and Travel Destinations. Although we don’t get to experience the local restaurant scenes and community food culture; we find ways to bring that flavor into our home as often as we can. With our diet restrictions due to food allergies, we are brought to create almost everything from scratch, each meal of the day. When Shayla was just first beginning to taste solid foods, we learned that she had food allergies to the Top 8 Allergens. Many of them were anaphylactic and dangerous to her, so we quickly adopted a family diet that could include all she could enjoy. Since then Shayla has now tested out of all her allergens except the most severe dairy, egg, & peanuts. .
After swinging the pendulum aggressively toward simple and plain whole foods, we learned we needed more. As lifelong foodies we needed to bring back flavor without complicating our lives. We learned we could slowly bring that zest for culinary delights back into our lives one meal at a time. Lots of trial and error has gone into some of the recipes we share.
We’ve met hundreds if not thousands of people across the US who somehow or other learned of our journey and got to experience a little of what we create for ourselves. With their encouragement (Thank You… You Know Who You Are), we decided to share what we’ve been able to create and help educate on the processes, recipes and techniques to living cleanly and from scratch. We still don’t cook with dairy, egg or peanuts but you can often substitute what we make as needed.

Years of Experience
Why Choose Us?
Focus On Getting Our Jobs Done Quickly
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- Unmatched performance, satisfaction service guarantees
- Home protection through our shoe covers and mats
- Upfront, flat rate pricing—no overtime charges
- 24 / 7 availability for all emergency services
- Fixed right promise—done right or it’s free
- Clear communication and updates on service arrival